Back to School
August 26, 2020
We are thrilled to be welcoming our students back to school today after an extremely challenging few months for everybody. We hope that all your family remain safe and well and that you were afforded the opportunity to relax and recharge during the summer break.
Our staff have been working hard implementing essential control measures to minimise the risk of Covid-19 infection occurring in our school. It is vital that we all work together as a school community to protect the safety of all members. We will be providing Covid-19 updates regularly on a dedicated page here.
With these measures in place we can hopefully looking forward to integrating our students back into the learning environment, re-igniting old skills and fostering new talents.
Happy World Autism Awareness Day
April 01, 2020
The staff at Abacas would like to wish our wonderful students a very Happy World Autism Awareness Day. In this time of uncertainty, we have even more reason to celebrate the strength and diversity of our students. They and their families have overcome many challenges and they inspire us as we work to overcome this challenge too.
Busy Bees Application Period Open
March 31, 2020
The application process for our early intervention centre know as Busy Bees is now open. We will be accepting applications for the duration period between 1 April to 5 May 2020 before 3 p.m. Applications forms are available to download from our enrolment page. Enrolment for this period will be limited to our Busy Bees only. Enrolments for our junior and senior schools are now closed for 2020. Unfortunately, we can not accept late applications under any circumstances. Click here to find out more.
Abacas Kilbarrack School Closure due to Covid-19
March 12, 2020
An announcement was made this morning by the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD of the closure of schools, pre-schools and further and higher education settings, for a period until 29 March 2020, to support efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19. This will take effect from 6pm this evening, Thursday 12 March. This is in line with the advice of the National Public Health Emergency Team. Abacas Kilbarrack will close from Friday 13 March.
We urge all parents and guardians to support your children to practice social distancing, and to minimise physical contact with each other, to help avoid the spread of Covid-19. This should include minimising social contact, avoiding meeting up and keeping physical space between them. Thank you for your support and patient during this difficult period
Enrolment 2020 Now Open
February 01, 2020
Applications for our main school are now open from 1 February 29 February 2020 before 3 p.m. Applications forms are available to download from our enrolment page. Enrolment for this period will be limited to our junior and senior school only. Enrolment for Busy Bees, our Early Intervention Centre will commence on 1 April 2020. Click here to find out more. Unfortunately, we can not accept late applications under any circumstances.
New Board of Management Elected
January 06, 2020
A new Board of management was elected in December 2019. The board is responsible for the running of the school, staff appointments and the financial management of all income. John Dennehy will serve as the board's new chairperson. Each board serves for a four year term. All members serve in a voluntary capacity. We would like to cordially welcome all the new members of the team and to extend our gratitude to the outgoing members for their dedicated time and commitment.
To find out more about our Board of Management and the new members for this term, click here.
School Closure for training on Monday, November 11
November 01, 2019
There will be a school closure on Monday, November 11 to accommodate teacher training on the Primary Language Curriculum. This is a vital part of our education programme and it is essential that staff continually update their knowledge and skills. Normal classes will resume on Tuesday, November 12. We thank the parents for their co-operation in facilitating this.
Annual General Meeting on November 5, 2019
October 24, 2019
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Tuesday, November 5th in the school at 7 p.m. All parents are encouraged to attend. It is an excellent opportunity to be updated on the work and activities undertaken by the Parents Association this last year and to discuss forthcoming events.
It is an opportunity for you as a parent to give feedback on your experience and to express any ideas that you may have that could help improve our school. We look forward to seeing everyone on the night.
Parents Association Update September 2019
September 08, 2019
A new school year and the dedicated work of our Parents' Association has begun in earnest. We are always looking for new parents and family members to become involved and contribute to the efforts to help improve and develop our school. If you would like to know a little bit more about how the Parents' Association operates, take a look at our Parents' Association page on our website here. To find out about any current fundraising projects and how you can help, check out their Facebook page.
End of Year Message from Our Principal
June 27, 2020
In a blink of an eye, another school year is finished. It was an extremely busy year with many challenges but the school and the students have continued to flourish. We hope to build on this success next year and progress with some exciting and innovative plans for the school.
The end of the year is often bittersweet and this year was no exception. It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to six of our students; Peter, Jordan, Kacper, Lewis, Lily and Tadhg. The school will be a less colourful place without their presence. Two of our teachers, Clare and Leighann will also not be returning in September. They will be sadly missed by both colleagues and students. I would like to express our gratitude for their hard work and dedication during their time in the school.
I would like to thank all the staff, parents and Board members, whose continued dedication and commitment this year has made Abacas Kilbarrack such a nurturing and supportive environment for learning. A special mention however, must go to our wonderful students who have worked so hard. They consistently delight us with their capacity for growth and development. They remind us that learning should always be a reciprocal process between teacher and student, as they continually help us to improve and evolve in our roles too.
Lastly, I would like to wish everyone a very happy summer holidays. I hope much rest and relaxation is had by all before we return in September to begin a new academic year.
Laura Kelly
Principal Abacas Kilbarrack
School to close for Elections Friday 24th May.
May 08, 2019
Abacas Kilbarrack will close Friday 24th May 2019 to accommodate the local and European elections. Our school is a polling station and will be closed for the full day.
Summer Term Begins
April 28, 2019
Abacas Kilbarrack would like to wish everyone a big welcome back for the final term. The last term is always a hectic but fun-filled affair; with school trips, graduations and many more exciting events coming up. Hopefully we will get some sunshine too.
In-Service Training 18th February 2019
February 06, 2020
As part of our Continual Professional Development programme for all staff, Abacas Kilbarrack will have a training day on the 18th February 2019. Only staff attend these days so there will be no classes for students. We thank the parents for their co-operation in facilitating this.
A Special Thank You
January 11, 2019
Here at Abacas Kilbarrack, we are truly blessed to have a dedicated team of parents and supporters who tirelessly work to improve our school. Last term was no exception with a number of fundraisers and special events organised. Money raised will go towards resources, as we continually thrive to enrich the school environment for our pupils. The team are very grateful to everyone who contributed. To find out more about these special efforts, you can visit our Facebook fundraising page here.
New Term Starts
January 07, 2019
The team and students are feeling very motivated to start the new term after a very relaxing Christmas break. We have many exciting plans for this term and we are eager to get started. Our new team was confirmed just before the break with Laura Kelly officially taking on the role of Principal and Ursula Cassidy becoming Deputy Principal. No doubt, the school will continue to flourish under their leadership.
Applications for 2019/2020 School Year Opens January 1st
January 01, 2019
Our application process is now open for the 2019/2020 academic year. All applications must be returned to the school fully completed by 28th February 2019 at 3 p.m. Unfortunately, we can not accept applications after this date. To find out more, click here.
School to close for Presidential Elections
October 10, 2018
Abacas Kilbarrack will close a day early this upcoming mid-term to accommodate the presidential elections. Our school is a polling station and will be closed for the full day on Friday 26th October 2018.
Back to School 2018
August 27, 2018
We are delighted to welcome everyone back for what promises to an exciting year. Lots of exciting challenges ahead including for the first time, some of our students will be participating int the new Junior Cycle.
We are sad to say goodbye to our Principal Christopher Platt who is taking a career break but we are happy to introduce our new team; with Laura Kelly moving from her previous role of Deputy Principal to Principal and Ursula Cassidy taking on the role of Deputy Principal.
Mandy’s Race Night Raises over €5000!
June 18, 2018
Amazing work by ABACAS’s Mandy Daly and her crew of volunteers. Mandy managed to raise over €5000 for the school! It was also a great night out, having a beverage and a flutter with ABACAS friends, family and staff alike. Well done Mandy!
Darts teams raise €1400 for ABACAS.
May 16, 2018
Thank you to Gareth Goss, the rest of his dream team the Gladstone darts team and all who supported the Abacas fundraising night. You raised an amazing €1400.
Race Night for ABACAS
April 16, 2018
ABACAS is holding a race night on the 25th May at the Foxhound. Contact Mandy at the office if you would like to purchase a horse or sponsor a race. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone there!
School Admissions
1 February 2023
Our application period for school admissions for our Main School (only) for the academic year 2023/24 is now open. It will remain open for the duration of the month. To find out more, click here. The application period for our Early Intervention centre will open in April.